Company Data

Jushi Holdings Inc.

Current Price
$0.3868 -3.78%
Market Cap
Price Target
Refer to Report
52wk Range
$0.22 - $0.92
Advanced Market Data


Jushi Holdings Inc. is a vertically integrated cannabis company led by an industry leading management team. In the United States, Jushi is focused on building a multi-state portfolio of branded cannabis assets engaged in retail, distribution, cultivation, and processing operations through opportunistic acquisitions, distressed work-outs and competitive applications. Jushi strives to maximize shareholder value while delivering high-quality products across all levels of the cannabis ecosystem. The Company has targeted assets in highly populated, limited licensed medical markets with a trajectory toward adult-use legalization and limited license, fast-growing, large adult-use markets. Operating under the Jushi umbrella is the BEYOND / HELLO(TM) retail brand of cannabis dispensaries.

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