
Bitcoin’s Next Major Milestone Is A Few Days Away: The 2024 Halving

0 min read

A once-every-four-years event in the Bitcoin world is rapidly approaching – the highly anticipated “halving.” Scheduled to occur around April 19th, 2024, this mechanism hard-coded into Bitcoin’s DNA is set to cut the rate of new BTC issuance in half. It’s a pivotal moment that could supercharge the crypto’s scintillating 2024 rally and reignite the bull market.

The halving is a deflationary feature designed to control Bitcoin’s supply over time by reducing the block reward paid to miners. From its inception in 2009 until 2012, miners received 50 BTC per validated block. That number was cut in half to 25 BTC at the first halving in 2012, then halved again to 12.5 BTC in 2016, and most recently to 6.25 BTC in 2020.

Now in 2024, the block reward is set to get cut again from 6.25 to around 3.125 BTC. By systematically slowing the issuance rate over time, Bitcoin’s supply is kept scarce in the face of theoretically increasing demand. This perceived scarcity is one of the factors purported to give Bitcoin its monetary value premium as a form of “digital gold.”

The halving events have historically preceded huge price surges in Bitcoin. A year after the May 2020 halving, Bitcoin rallied over 545%. Similar explosive rallies were witnessed after the 2016 and 2012 events as well. The logic is that as new supply slows after the halving, demand has to be higher to sustain price levels.

Some analysts think the halving impact has already been priced into Bitcoin’s blistering 2024 rally amid optimism around newly launched U.S. Bitcoin ETFs and rising institutional adoption. Since January 1st, BTC has surged over 60% to fresh all-time highs near $74,000.

But many Bitcoin veterans believe the halving could simply be the catalyst that reignites the next true crypto bull cycle akin to cycles past. They point to the recent rally as just the warm-up act before the main event. Adding fuel to the fire, the Federal Reserve is expected to cut interest rates later this year, thereby boosting risk assets like Bitcoin.

According to crypto exchange Bitfinex, Bitcoin could rally 160% in the 12-14 months post-halving to over $150,000 per coin if historical trends play out. While past returns are no guarantee of future performance, the scarcity effects of reduced supply could indeed supercharge demand.

Of course, doubters remain plentiful. There’s the argument that three prior data points create a small sample size from which to draw conclusions. The 2020 cycle was potentially inflated by pandemic stay-at-home narratives. And as Bitcoin matures, price movements may become more decoupled from fundamentals like the halving.

For crypto diehards though, the halving represents a once-in-a-cycle opportunity to get positioned ahead of the next major uptrend in Bitcoin prices. After spending 2022 and much of 2023 brutalized by the brutal crypto winter, many view it as the light at the end of the tunnel. Whether it marks just another bullish catalyst or something even bigger remains to be seen. But Bitcoin’s next milestone moment is fast approaching.


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