Thursday, January 16, 2025
Patrick McCann, CFA, Research Analyst, Noble Capital Markets, Inc.
Michael Kupinski, Director of Research, Equity Research Analyst, Digital, Media & Technology , Noble Capital Markets, Inc.
Refer to the full report for the price target, fundamental analysis, and rating.
Commercial expansion. On January 15th, the company announced that it will begin supplying its products to real estate developer Jeremiah Baron Companies. The developer has mixed-use residential and commercial projects underway in Florida. The partnership is expected to encompass approximately 1,000 units, which we believe equates to roughly 30,000 receptacles.
Seeding for the future. The company will initially supply receptacles to the developer, followed by plug-in products in the later stages of development, such as chandeliers, ceiling fans, and others. Importantly, the company’s fixtures, which plug into the receptacles, sell at higher prices. As such, we expect initial revenue impacts from the partnership to be modest, followed by a more meaningful impact when the units are ready for the installation of plug-in products. We anticipate that the development of the mixed-use project will extend into 2026.
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This Company Sponsored Research is provided by Noble Capital Markets, Inc., a FINRA and S.E.C. registered broker-dealer (B/D).
*Analyst certification and important disclosures included in the full report. NOTE: investment decisions should not be based upon the content of this research summary. Proper due diligence is required before making any investment decision.